Dear friends of q-Staff
The holidays are here. The year draws to a close. We are asking you to consider us in your year-end giving. q-Staff is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We ask that you make even a small donation in harmony with our mission of Great Art and in accord with what you wish.
Now the fun part..
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We have a hit on our hands. “Promenade: Albuquerque” was a smashing success. People attended 2, 3, one person even 4 times–bringing friends. q-Staff performances have always been well attended and usually sell out once word gets out.. But we’ve never seen anything like the response to Promenade.
Audience feedback, either direct or via social media:
“Breathtakingly gorgeous!”
“A love poem to Albuquerque”
“I’ll never look at this place the same way again”
What a ride!
It’s hard to describe how ambitious this project was. What a mountain of work we had to climb. How absolutely fraught with major challenges, any one of which could have killed the project.
Instead, we somehow hauled this amazing piece across the finish line, and brought on two new board members as well–Tom Schuch, and Joseph Sanchez.
Promenade was a landmark, but it was only one part of a great year.
- We hosted our great friends and colleagues, Theatre Grottesco, twice–with their excellent “PIE” and a fascinating collaborative work-in-progress with Jeff Glassman.
- We got Promenade off to an early start by collaborating with our friends at Tricklock to bring our Hungarian partners to town, performing their brilliant “Etiquette” at q-Staff as part of the Revolutions festival–and then starting a ten day workshop process to develop Promenade.
- We hosted Bad Mouth, a recurring writer’s event featuring readings by renowned authors interspersed with live music.
- We hosted Thresholds festival, a gathering of recent grads of the UNM theatre department–ten, ten-minute plays by ten different playwrights, with ten different casts.
- And we hosted Two Worlds, a native american group in collaboration with New Mexico Storytellers for their “Telling My Story” piece, focusing on the voices of women of color in our locale.
All of it was great, great work.
Currently, we’re concentrating on building/expanding our board of directors to empower an amazing 2019 season. 2019 is q-Staff’s 20th anniversary year, and we’re going to make it special.
- We’re planning a Spring return of Promenade, and have a new original q-Staff performance in the works for debut in Fall
- Two (yes, two) new ADA compliant bathrooms, one with a shower.
- Producing and development of new works.
- Mind-blowing workshops
- Collaborations with international arts groups
- Other surprises, all year long.
Your gift to q-Staff Theatre opens out into the community and gives back as rich, positive experience for families and everyone who enjoys an evening of great theatre. Please help us continue our mission of GREAT ART, knowing that you are making your community a better place to live. So, one more time. If you are able to throw some love our way in the form of donation, we would so appreciate.
We wish you joy, not just during the holidays, but always. And we look forward to seeing you in the coming year.